We support young adults in their journey from dependence to independence.

We support young adults who have aged out of foster care in their transition to independence through sponsorship from dedicated donors and government grants for housing. Our program provides participants with the resources and support needed to navigate the challenges they face and achieve success.


We are a dedicated team of passionate individuals united by a mission to:
    • Make a meaningful impact on people experiencing homelessness.
    • Together, we work tirelessly to create solutions
    • Raise awareness, and provide support for those in need.

What we do

Deciduous is a social enterprise supporting unhoused young adults’ transition to independence. By securing donor support for our programs and leveraging government grants for housing, we offer more than just immediate relief. Our holistic approach focuses on education, skills development, and stable housing, empowering young adults to achieve long-term self-sufficiency. Through community sponsorship and government aid, Deciduous promotes sustainable solutions and lasting change, enabling individuals to build stable futures and thrive independently.

Community Partners

We partner with other organizations serving the vulnerable in our city.